Category Archives: Group Mentoring

BBA Opens its Doors to New Mentees

Interested attorneys attended an information session on the Group Mentoring Program at the BBA last night.

Interested attorneys attended an information session on the Group Mentoring Program at the BBA last night.

Last night, the BBA welcomed over 50 new lawyers to its headquarters to learn more about the Diversity & Inclusion Section’s Group Mentoring Program. The meeting gave interested participants an overview of the program and introduced them to the program co-chairs, past participants, and BBA staff. After the program wrapped up, mentees submitted application forms and mingled at a networking reception.

Mentee applications will be accepted through Friday, September 27th 2013. The program consists of several mentoring groups about 8 new lawyer mentees and 2 mentors who meet monthly for discussions about career paths, work life balance and professional challenges and participants also gather for program-wide seminars and networking events at the BBA. The Mentoring Committee will be launching the new mentoring groups next month. More information on the program and the application form are available here. Contact Susan Helm at with questions.

Calling All New Lawyers – The BBA’s Group Mentoring Program

The Diversity & Inclusion Section’s popular Group Mentoring Program is kicking off its 5th program year with an information session on Wednesday, September 18th at 5:30pm at the BBA. The meeting will connect interested participants with program co-chairs and past participants to answer questions and give them a sense of what the program has to offer. A meet-and-greet reception will follow the information session.

Mentoring groups meet monthly for discussions about career paths, work life balance and professional challenges, and participants also gather for program-wide seminars and networking events.  Mentee applications will become available at the orientation meeting. The meeting is mandatory for anyone interested in applying to the program. Click here to RSVP or contact Susan Helm at for more information.
